
Origins – Characters are divided into three categories – Ordinary, Dreamer, and Imaginary. This is mainly for storyline purposes but is also a general guideline for how many Exotic and Supernatural advantages should be taken for a character, with Ordinaries having none and Imaginaries having as many as needed (though most powers should be taken from the list of powers).

“Imaginaries” – A person or persons that once existed wholly in fiction but now walks the Earth as a visitor from one of the Dreamlands and possessing the power thereof. Somewhat disparaging. (Captain Hook)

“Ordinaries” – A person or persons born on the Earth; generally limited to powers and abilities of normal mortals, though Clockwork technology can cloud this a bit. Generally used as a counter-insult for “imaginaries” from Dreamlands Residents. (Wild Bill)

“Dreamer” – A person or persons that was born on the Earth but that possessed some of the power of the Dreamlands – generally thought to have been gained when the Dreamlands were more removed from Earth and only reachable through lucid dreaming. (Randolph Carter)

“Tock” – Clearly a play on the ‘clock’ part of clockwork, this nickname can be irritating to the more literal-minded/analytical Tocks as clockwork does not necessarily imply an actual clock. On a related note, Tocks who overthink things and correct the slang of others are often known as “ticks”, which sounds somewhat like another clock reference but is said to actually be a comparison to blood-sucking insects. If one were to meet an actual native of Clockwork, a refugee from the Factories Endless might refer to him or herself as a Drudge, and a former resident of the Airship cities might be called an Olympian.

“Grogs” – A stereotype among your average person is that everyone from Neverland is some sort of Pirate. This is untrue, though to some extent logical, as most Neverlanders travelling the Earth actually are Pirates. An actual Pirate from Neverland would be quite proud to be called “Grog”, but inhabitants of the Neverland island might be quite insulted. Those who have left the Pan’s kingdom prefer to be known as the Found (as they are no longer lost). The underwater denizens of Neverland generally find ‘merpeople’ to be too much of a mouthful and sometimes refer to themselves as “mermaids” regardless of gender.

“Aces” – Those from Wonderland have a reputation for being unpredictable and too clever for their own good, hence Aces. The card metaphor continues, though – an amorous Wonderlander is often known as a Heart. On the more insulting side, a dead Wonderlander is often called a Spade. The more uncouth among us sometimes use this term more casually to refer to a boring Wonderlander, which is common than you would think as some Wonderlanders sink into obsession and strangeness. On a final note – be careful using the term Joker or Fool as this can either be viewed as a great compliment or a terrible insult.

“Frights” – Those from Kadath and its surroundings are not all monsters. But they do all tend to be monstrous or, failing that, somehow off, wrong in a way that is hard to quantify with casual observation. These dreamlands are the oldest, with residents that in some circumstances have lived there for centuries, long after their deaths on Earth. Their dream lives (or after lives) are lived in the shadow of Kadath, home to ancient dream-gods as well as Nyarlhotep itself. When discussing amongst themselves, Assuming they are human or at least human-like Imaginaries, Frights generally self-identify with their home region – West, South, East, North, or the Underworld. The darker, inhuman residents (gods or demons or their servitors, as you like) generally identify with their race’s patron being.

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